Chris Blincoe LPSNZ
Photography has always held a passionate interest with me from those earlier days with rather limited photographic knowledge to the current day, where my skills have improved, but the learning never stops.
From my first Agfa camera and the anticipation of waiting to get the developed film negatives back from the chemist to the instant digital world that dominates the photographic industry today.
Originally, my main purpose was to record the fun of my surfing days shared with my best mates as well as taking shots of all in sundry, but in no general direction.
My first serious camera was a Nikon F-501 that I still have today. I still love the sound as the shutter is depressed, though sadly it sits idle. I think I am not alone on this score!
The years have progressed to now having a greater understanding of the visualization through the lens and limitless opportunities provided through the digital era and post-production that is required.
In 2015, Moira and I embarked on a short journey to France that expanded to four years, during which time we lived in a small village in the French Alps. Here we had the opportunity to explore that wonderful country as well as visit many of the surrounding European countries.
Photography then became a real passion that saw us both immersed in several workshops learning from some of the best in France and the UK. One quickly discovered that photography is taken as a serious form of art and many a gallery beckoned us on visits throughout Europe.
Through our love of travel, I quickly developed a passion for street and architecture photography. Capturing and making these images gives me a sense of personal satisfaction and achievement. More importantly it is through the medium of black and white that I derive the greatest satisfaction.
The return to New Zealand did not dampen my enthusiasm to continue capturing the moment through the lens. What I photograph today is all important to me, intriguing and significant in one way or another. How I see, and what I capture is not always how others will perceive it, and that is a good thing. It is what separates photographers and makes them stand alone.
Over the subsequent years we have embarked on several international journeys, some photographic related but always with cameras at the ready. With our wings now clipped somewhat, it resulted in the decision to purchase our motorhome ‘Moti’. What better way to travel and explore this wonderful backyard that we live in?
Photography is being able to capture that moment which in all probability, will never be repeated, and to simply enjoy each moment, with a camera in hand.
Too often we seem to complicate or manipulate images. That is not the direction that I take and for me, simplicity is a key direction.
“Photography has not changed since its origin except in its technical aspects, which for me are important.”
~ Henri Cartier Bresson